Start Your Acting Career With The Playground

As an actor, you can play a role in anything from a movie to a commercial. If you’re talented enough, you can land a major movie role portraying a prominent historical figure. Examples of these are Malcolm X and Selena. But before that, you must master your craft and put in the hard work! To get into any acting school, especially one like The Playground, requires preparation.

Be knowledgeable

Immerse yourself in all things acting.

  • Read ‘how to’ books on acting techniques for different genres and vocal warm-ups.
  • Watch coaching videos.
  • Read biographies from famous actors.
  • Learn different skills to become well-rounded e.g. singing, dancing or playing a musical instrument. This gives you an advantage over other applicants.

Practice your craft

‘Practice makes perfect.’ Evidence of time and energy invested in honing your skills is just what the top schools want to see.

  • Attend workshops and training sessions.
  • Take roles in an amateur theater to gain hands-on acting experience.
  • Practice daily warm-up exercises.
  • Practice different techniques with experienced fellow actors who can constructively critique and give you feedback.

Use your summers wisely! Enroll in summer programs that would give you the opportunity to learn and practice, or even work with professionals and make the right connections.

At The Playground, your training will entail learning lines and using your voice and body language to deliver world-class performances. The five most important skills are:

  • Memorizing lines and delivering them
  • Engaging your audience
  • Understanding acting techniques
  • Staying motivated
  • Working well with others

We also offer summer programs for kids (6 – 8 years), preteens (9 – 12 years), and teens (13 – 17 years). If you don’t get in on your first few attempts, don’t give up. Learn from your experiences, work hard at it and reapply.

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Thomas A. Edison