Preparing For an Acting Agent

Preparing For an Agent


Class Schedule:
December 10th, 11am – 12:30pm


Gayla Goehl

Class Location:
Via Zoom

This class is for:
Parents of actors

“More About This Webinar”

⇒ Take important steps and learn from an Industry Professional and our resident Director of The Playground.

⇒ Learn interview questions that your child needs to be able to answer with fun and ease.

⇒ Discuss what headshots you will need to get started.

⇒ We’ll provide some commercial copy (scripts) so your child has something prepared and excited to perform.

⇒ We’ll introduce and walk you through the “official” casting sites you will want to register your child for.


Enroll now or contact Gayla Goehl here:

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need an Acting Agent in Los Angeles

Are you an aspiring actor looking to make it big in the entertainment industry? Los Angeles, often referred to as the entertainment capital of the world, is undoubtedly the place to be. While your talent and dedication are crucial, having an acting agent can be a game-changer in your journey to stardom. At The Playground, we understand the importance of representation, and we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 reasons why you need an acting agent in Los Angeles.

1. Industry Expertise:
Acting agents in Los Angeles have in-depth knowledge of the entertainment industry. They can provide valuable insights, guidance, and access to resources that can help you navigate the complex and competitive world of showbiz.

2. Access to Auditions:
Agents have established connections with casting directors, producers, and casting agencies. This means they can get you auditions for roles that you might not even hear about otherwise, giving you a significant advantage in the audition process.

3. Personalized Career Guidance:
A professional acting agent will work closely with you to create a tailored plan for your career. They will help you set goals, develop your skills, and make strategic decisions about the types of roles and projects you should pursue.

4. Negotiating Power:
Agents are skilled negotiators who can secure the best deals and contracts for their clients. This includes negotiating your salary, benefits, and other terms to ensure you get the most out of every opportunity.

5. Industry Connections:
Agents have a vast network of industry contacts, including other actors, directors, and producers. These connections can open doors and lead to collaborations that can further your career.

6. Brand Building:
Agents can help you build and promote your personal brand. They assist in shaping your image and online presence, which is essential in today’s digital age.

7. Time Management:
Actors often juggle multiple auditions, rehearsals, and projects simultaneously. Having an agent can help you manage your time efficiently, ensuring you’re always well-prepared for auditions and opportunities.

8. Script Selection:
Your agent can assist in selecting scripts that align with your career goals and showcase your talent. They’ll help you avoid roles that could typecast you or limit your potential.

9. Industry Insights:
Agents stay updated on industry trends and changes. They can provide guidance on what’s currently in demand, helping you make informed decisions about your career.

10. Emotional Support:
The journey of an actor can be emotionally challenging. Having an agent by your side provides a strong support system, someone who understands the ups and downs of the industry and can offer guidance during tough times.

In a city as competitive as Los Angeles, having the right support is essential to break into the entertainment industry and reach your full potential. At The Playground, we believe that an acting agent can be a key partner in your journey to success. If you’re an aspiring actor in Los Angeles, consider the benefits of having an acting agent to guide you through this exciting but challenging career path. Contact us for more information