los angeles

Alexander Technique For Actors

How Does the Alexander Technique Benefit Actors?

I can immediately tell the difference between actors who have studied the Alexander Technique, and those who haven’t.”-Sam Mendes, Academy Award-Winning Director (American Beauty)

I think about this question a lot. Besides being an actor, I teach on-camera and audition technique to kids and young adults at Gary Spatz’s “The Playground,” an acting school in Los Angeles. I saw that studying Alexander Technique really made a difference in my work and in the work of my students. But the one thing I couldn’t pinpoint when I began to study it and then teach it was how did it make that difference?

When I read my first Alexander Technique introductory statement, and even when I took my first lesson, there was not a very obvious connection between artistic improvement and the set of skills to which I was being introduced. Sure it felt great to allow my neck to free up—I immediately felt taller and lighter and a bit more calm.

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Acting Classes For Kids: Creative Play

Performing Arts, Education, and Young Children

We can all remember a time when we used to pretend. Whether it was imagining ourselves as different people, traveling to distant lands, or making our toys come to life, we all had experiences like this as children.

We all know kids love to play, but did you know that play is also the pathway that young children use to learn?

In an Americans for the Arts study, Young Children and the Arts: Making Creative Connections, child development specialists have found “play is the business of young children”. In other words, when children play, they aren’t just having fun but actively engaging and learning about the world around them.

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