Stress and The Creative Life: The Meltdown Part. 1

This thought struck me a couple of weeks ago as I was racing to finish an article on relaxation for children. During the same week I was made aware that the car I had bought from a friend last year had never been registered in my name.

Aside from facing late fees, sales tax, and having the car smog tested, I also discovered the title was missing. Don’t ask how I missed all of this stuff last year during the transaction. I’ve been asking myself the same question. Needless to say, handling everything was going to entail a chunk of cash and time at the DMV, as well as a mound of paperwork, which was complicated by the fact that I needed the signature of my friend, who is in Brazil until November.

While dealing with my car’s administrative details, I was rehearsing for a scene for my acting class, editing a web series I shot a year ago, covering responsibilities as a leader in my Buddhist community, running back and forth from Hollywood to Downtown to teach yoga, and auditioning.

It wasn’t until I was driving home from an audition (that I had blown as a result of squeezing it between teaching two yoga classes) that I finally had a little internal meltdown and had to face the fact that I was completely STRESSED OUT! But no rest for the weary, as they say. I still had to finish my article by the next day on what?….Oh yeah, relaxation for children!

The irony of my task at hand contrasted with my state of mind was not lost on me. But still I thought, “What the heck!?” I’m a yogini! A Buddhist! I should be able to move through life being calm and centered!” And now the pressure of writing this article on relaxation was contributing to my stress!

Fortunately, over the years I have learned to allow myself a brief period of frustration at such times. I let out a healthy scream in the car and vented to my beautifully understanding boyfriend. Then I began to exam the significance of my week and took steps to prepare myself for a weekend of teaching kids at Gary Spatz’ Acting Conservatory.

Acting School: The Playground