There are many aspiring actors out there who wonder the same thing and the answer is: No, you don’t need to go to college to become an actor. No formal education is required to be an actor.

If you’re a talented actor with impressive skills and a hard-working individual who can commit to auditioning frequently and honing your skills, you will be able to find acting work.

Having said that, while it’s not mandatory, a bachelor’s degree in acting/theater/drama is highly recommended. It can help you acquire and hone your technical and acting skills. Moreover, you will practice discipline, speaking, memory, etc. This gives you an edge as you gain precious experience and learn valuable skills needed for future acting jobs. However, you can acquire those skills in other ways too.

Attend Private Acting Classes in Los Angeles

You can attend private or group acting classes at an acting school such as here, The Playground, where you can practice with other actors, improve communication skills, and get advice from a professional acting coach. You’ll find a suitable class for you whether you’re a kid or an adult aspiring actor.

If you can’t fit physical lessons into your schedule, you can even take classes online which is more convenient, especially nowadays when we’re encouraged to do things online. What matters is that you work on your skills constantly trying to improve them including listening, speaking, memory communication, etc. It also takes hard work to keep preparing for each audition to increase your chances of getting a callback.

If you put in the time and effort (besides talent, obviously), you can become an actor and make a career out of it. Contact us now for more information.